Seated Forward Fold

Dandasana. The seated posture template for all other seated positions. Dandasana or Staff Pose is similar to Tadasana, the template for Standing Postures. Using the support of blanket and a slight bend to the knees, make sure your feet are flexed and active. Spread out through all ten toes and allow the pelvis to shift forward slightly. Lastly, press down into the earth with straight arms, helping the spine to lengthen and lift up!  Enjoy...

The seated posture template for all other seated positions. Dandasana or Staff Pose is similar to Tadasana, the template for Standing Postures. Using the support of blanket and a slight bend to the knees, make sure your feet are flexed and active. Spread out through all ten toes and allow the pelvis to shift forward slightly. Lastly, press down into the earth with straight arms, helping the spine to lengthen and lift up! Enjoy...

It is a myth that with enough effort, the spine will come into a straight position. This posture demonstrates that truth.  Even from a standing forward fold, where the hamstrings are loose, the knees stay bent and the weight shifts forward, do we see that the spine is still slightly rounded. The true purpose of seated forward fold positions is to open the entire backside of the body.  When performed correctly, One can feel a unity and support throughout the entire back allowing the body to come into balance, well-being and JOY!. Notice the stretch all the way from the heel chords to the crown of the head.

It is a myth that with enough effort, the spine will come into a straight position. This posture demonstrates that truth. Even from a standing forward fold, where the hamstrings are loose, the knees stay bent and the weight shifts forward, do we see that the spine is still slightly rounded. The true purpose of seated forward fold positions is to open the entire backside of the body. When performed correctly, One can feel a unity and support throughout the entire back allowing the body to come into balance, well-being and JOY!. Notice the stretch all the way from the heel chords to the crown of the head.

This pose developed out of correct alignment and practice to reveal such a beautiful elegant sense of ease! Notice the front tilt of the pelvis and the toes and knees facing up to the sky. Because of proper alignment, all of the work is done. You can see the restful state of this pose that came as a conclusion to the practice, correct effort and alignment.  There is no forced flexibility here whatsoever!...

This pose developed out of correct alignment and practice to reveal such a beautiful elegant sense of ease! Notice the front tilt of the pelvis and the toes and knees facing up to the sky. Because of proper alignment, all of the work is done. You can see the restful state of this pose that came as a conclusion to the practice, correct effort and alignment. There is no forced flexibility here whatsoever!...

The adjustment to press the heal of your hands into the belly of your partner's quadriceps.  With this kind of support and opening, It is possible to unlock the energy of the pelvis and feel the energy move up the spine! This feels great.  Come behind your partner and push the top of the thighs gently down into the earth. Allow your partner to feel supported in the hips and back! aaaHH.

The adjustment to press the heal of your hands into the belly of your partner's quadriceps. With this kind of support and opening, It is possible to unlock the energy of the pelvis and feel the energy move up the spine! This feels great. Come behind your partner and push the top of the thighs gently down into the earth. Allow your partner to feel supported in the hips and back! aaaHH.

Once the stability and opening and stretch is there, you can take your hand up between their shoulder blades and press forward gently.

Once the stability and opening and stretch is there, you can take your hand up between their shoulder blades and press forward gently.

Cobbler Pose This works the inner groin and inner thigh encouraging circulation and detox throughout the body! One may also bring their knees behind the partners shoulder blades to incorporate the last two photos and adjustments. The work here is to help the pelvis feel grounded, stable and open.

Cobbler Pose
This works the inner groin and inner thigh encouraging circulation and detox throughout the body! One may also bring their knees behind the partners shoulder blades to incorporate the last two photos and adjustments. The work here is to help the pelvis feel grounded, stable and open.

Placing the palm of your hand on your partner's sacrum and pushing forward and upward will feel great in this seated forward fold. Anytime you place your palm on the sacrum of your partner, the energy can often bring instant calm, soothing signals to the body/brain. It is also a very nice way to support, and inspire your partner to feel the correct alignment of the body. Keep working energy through the legs and the flexing of the feet.

Placing the palm of your hand on your partner's sacrum and pushing forward and upward will feel great in this seated forward fold. Anytime you place your palm on the sacrum of your partner, the energy can often bring instant calm, soothing signals to the body/brain. It is also a very nice way to support, and inspire your partner to feel the correct alignment of the body. Keep working energy through the legs and the flexing of the feet.

The Supported Child Pose. This is an excellent way to help students who have trouble with forward tilt of their pelvis. In 90% of all cases, when this happens, the pelvis does not tilt due to compression.  Patiently work with your students. Interact with them and ask them to try this posture AND ask them to take their knees out as wide apart as the long edge of the mat. This feels very restorative and great for those who have challenging seated postures!

The Supported Child Pose.
This is an excellent way to help students who have trouble with forward tilt of their pelvis. In 90% of all cases, when this happens, the pelvis does not tilt due to compression. Patiently work with your students. Interact with them and ask them to try this posture AND ask them to take their knees out as wide apart as the long edge of the mat. This feels very restorative and great for those who have challenging seated postures!

You may also like to place a foot at the base of your partner to help stabilize again the pelvis. Also, two hands on the shoulders and pressing downward with straight arms allows them to become aware.

You may also like to place a foot at the base of your partner to help stabilize again the pelvis. Also, two hands on the shoulders and pressing downward with straight arms allows them to become aware.

For individuals who have difficulty with the classic seated hip opener forward fold, Pigeon, ask them to take this posture, the seated pigeon posture with one ankle crossing the opposite thigh.  For a deeper stretch, ask your student to take the foot farther down the thigh toward the hip!  Seated postures are very difficult because our hips are placed in a fixed position. It is therefore, advised with beginner students or classes, to have your students open their hips in standing postures first!

For individuals who have difficulty with the classic seated hip opener forward fold, Pigeon, ask them to take this posture, the seated pigeon posture with one ankle crossing the opposite thigh. For a deeper stretch, ask your student to take the foot farther down the thigh toward the hip! Seated postures are very difficult because our hips are placed in a fixed position. It is therefore, advised with beginner students or classes, to have your students open their hips in standing postures first!

This is a great counter stretch to seated postures. It is called Reverse Table Pose.  The knees are simply stacked on the ankles and the stretch is great for the shoulders.

This is a great counter stretch to seated postures. It is called Reverse Table Pose. The knees are simply stacked on the ankles and the stretch is great for the shoulders.

Paschimottanasa Letter C. Some of us are just born to bend like this!  As you can see, one of our students greatest strengths is her ability to be completely at ease, relaxed and enjoying the full fold forward bend.  aaaHHH.

Paschimottanasa Letter C.
Some of us are just born to bend like this! As you can see, one of our students greatest strengths is her ability to be completely at ease, relaxed and enjoying the full fold forward bend. aaaHHH.









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