Standing Poses with Adjustments

Beginning with the template of Tadasana.  We align the posture of the body with a block between the inner thighs and lift all ten toes up. This creates strong internal rotation in the lower half of the body. Imagine yourself compared to a huge oak tree, pressing down into strong roots deep into the earth. In this pose, the partner is further stabilized, grounded and supported by feeling the base of the shoulder blades pull in together.  This activates the Rhomboid Muscles, nicknamed the "liver of all muscles" and creates a strong external rotation for the upper back.

Beginning with the template of Tadasana. We align the posture of the body with a block between the inner thighs and lift all ten toes up. This creates strong internal rotation in the lower half of the body. Imagine yourself compared to a huge oak tree, pressing down into strong roots deep into the earth. In this pose, the partner is further stabilized, grounded and supported by feeling the base of the shoulder blades pull in together. This activates the Rhomboid Muscles, nicknamed the "liver of all muscles" and creates a strong external rotation for the upper back.

In this posture, the student is asked to Free Fall forward.  Keeping the energy centers in alignment, or the strong internal rotation of the legs with the strong external rotation and opening of the back.  Together, it may not look so powerful, but put into practice, "Oh what a feeling!"...

In this posture, the student is asked to Free Fall forward. Keeping the energy centers in alignment, or the strong internal rotation of the legs with the strong external rotation and opening of the back. Together, it may not look so powerful, but put into practice, "Oh what a feeling!"...

It is very important when providing your partner with the right level of support that you take the power stance of having one foot in front with the knees bent.  This is your center of power and from their you can offer your partner a great supportive structure. Notice the strong connection between the giver and receiver beginning also with the arms!  It is best to hold your partner at least 2-4 inches above the wrist and ask them to lean more and more forward creating a strong line of energy throughout their whole body!..

It is very important when providing your partner with the right level of support that you take the power stance of having one foot in front with the knees bent. This is your center of power and from their you can offer your partner a great supportive structure. Notice the strong connection between the giver and receiver beginning also with the arms! It is best to hold your partner at least 2-4 inches above the wrist and ask them to lean more and more forward creating a strong line of energy throughout their whole body!

To assist a great Warrior II Posture, hold your partners arm in the back and pull very gently toward you. By also placing one foot onto to the edge of their back foot, you help to bring awareness and strength into their back foot! When the back body is more alive, there will be more weight evenly distributed between both legs resulting in a relaxed and centered core, pelvis and posture.

To assist a great Warrior II Posture, hold your partners arm in the back and pull very gently toward you. By also placing one foot onto to the edge of their back foot, you help to bring awareness and strength into their back foot! When the back body is more alive, there will be more weight evenly distributed between both legs resulting in a relaxed and centered core, pelvis and posture.

You can see the dynamic energy that is created when a pose is truly supported and well nourished.  Here the front heel is  aligned with the back inner arch of the foot and the arms are equally active with lots of muscle action. The legs are also dynamically engaged as they extend to their fullest edge, encouraging the tailbone to drop and the pelvis to release down and slightly under.  Lifting up out of the back thigh and pulling into center will always result in greater power moving through and lightness shining out! The mind can then settle into this moment and let go of anxiety about the future or fear over the past.  That is a Zen moment.

You can see the dynamic energy that is created when a pose is truly supported and well nourished. Here the front heel is aligned with the back inner arch of the foot and the arms are equally active with lots of muscle action. The legs are also dynamically engaged as they extend to their fullest edge, encouraging the tailbone to drop and the pelvis to release down and slightly under. Lifting up out of the back thigh and pulling into center will always result in greater power moving through and lightness shining out! The mind can then settle into this moment and let go of anxiety about the future or fear over the past. That is a Zen moment.

As a group, the Warrior One Variation may again look easy but there is a strong muscle action in the back leg, particularly the back thigh to again lift up and in, allowing for more partnership between the back and front body.  The sense of ease that you see, is coming from the powerful connection between the legs, feet and universal energy. The legs are supporting this opening and tailbone action, allowing for dynamic energy to flow through the pose.  Voila!

As a group, the Warrior One Variation may again look easy but there is a strong muscle action in the back leg, particularly the back thigh to again lift up and in, allowing for more partnership between the back and front body. The sense of ease that you see, is coming from the powerful connection between the legs, feet and universal energy. The legs are supporting this opening and tailbone action, allowing for dynamic energy to flow through the pose. Voila!

From the base of a strong Warrior Two, the front thigh is externally rotating, the back thigh internally rotating and the upper back rotating toward the sky, keeping the heart open.  With the legs and feet working actively and strongly,  the tailbone can drop slightly and the length in the left side body become one beautiful line of energy, or grace.  For a deeper stretch, take your hand to the outside of the front ankle.

From the base of a strong Warrior Two, the front thigh is externally rotating, the back thigh internally rotating and the upper back rotating toward the sky, keeping the heart open. With the legs and feet working actively and strongly, the tailbone can drop slightly and the length in the left side body become one beautiful line of energy, or grace. For a deeper stretch, take your hand to the outside of the front ankle.

Support Warrior Two With one foot firmly planted in the past and one foot playfully extending into the future, the spine feels secure here to lengthen and opening the arms to full extension promotes self-esteem, balance and courage! keep breathing and work the soles of the feet strongly lifting all ten toes off the floor!

Support Warrior Two
With one foot firmly planted in the past and one foot playfully extending into the future, the spine feels secure here to lengthen and opening the arms to full extension promotes self-esteem, balance and courage! keep breathing and work the soles of the feet strongly lifting all ten toes off the floor!

When the partner places one hand on the shin bone and presses forward, this alleviates a great deal of confusion inside the pelvis. This "magic bullet approach" is not common so we enjoy for a change something nice. While we feel our partner pressing into the shin, we align with our tailbone and back leg, and connect to our heart, sense of play and the front leg relaxing while in action.  This adjustment again is one of the few that offers instant lift and support for one of the tightest areas of our body.

When the partner places one hand on the shin bone and presses forward, this alleviates a great deal of confusion inside the pelvis. This "magic bullet approach" is not common so we enjoy for a change something nice. While we feel our partner pressing into the shin, we align with our tailbone and back leg, and connect to our heart, sense of play and the front leg relaxing while in action. This adjustment again is one of the few that offers instant lift and support for one of the tightest areas of our body.

Reclining Supta Pandangusthasana Pose with the assist of the wall.  We include this pose to demonstrate the importance of dropping the back thigh into the earth and lengthening out through the flexion and foot.  The wall gives the leg an active reminder to work from  the base of the foot rather than the head or brute force.  Taking the leg out to the side, we keep the hips leveled and feel vital energy move through the body. A great way to prepare for the standing pose next.

Reclining Supta Pandangusthasana Pose with the assist of the wall. We include this pose to demonstrate the importance of dropping the back thigh into the earth and lengthening out through the flexion and foot. The wall gives the leg an active reminder to work from the base of the foot rather than the head or brute force. Taking the leg out to the side, we keep the hips leveled and feel vital energy move through the body. A great way to prepare for the standing pose next.

Very important with this posture, we want to first keep our spine long second focus then also on our outstretched leg. Many people have a straight leg here but a crooked spine! Begin with the standing leg slightly bent, keep the spine tall, then try to lengthen the standing leg straight. I chose this picture because Irene is able to lengthen both her back and her standing leg simultaneously!..

Very important with this posture, we want to first keep our spine long second focus then also on our outstretched leg. Many people have a straight leg here but a crooked spine! Begin with the standing leg slightly bent, keep the spine tall, then try to lengthen the standing leg straight. I chose this picture because Irene is able to lengthen both her back and her standing leg simultaneously!..

When students are not yet ready for this posture, introduce the option to keep the front knee bent and holding onto the big toe. In this photo, one can see how many different variations there truly are!  Keep lighting up out of the chest and feel the strong external rotation in the upper back.  It may look as if there is little effort, but really there is so much going on, which is great to help us with mindfulness energy.

When students are not yet ready for this posture, introduce the option to keep the front knee bent and holding onto the big toe. In this photo, one can see how many different variations there truly are! Keep lighting up out of the chest and feel the strong external rotation in the upper back. It may look as if there is little effort, but really there is so much going on, which is great to help us with mindfulness energy.

To provide support, laughter and fun, you may simply like to hold your partner's leg just in front of the body and then encouraging their leg to move to the side.  It's amazing how much better we do with a little help from our friends.

To provide support, laughter and fun, you may simply like to hold your partner's leg just in front of the body and then encouraging their leg to move to the side. It's amazing how much better we do with a little help from our friends.

Parsvatanasana One long step, all ten toes facing front short edge of the mat. Lift up back heel and keep the back foot in line with the front same side arm. Bring the blocks under the shoulders so that the joints are stacked. Keep the sacrum level with the floor. Modification: Continue to work with the blocks and press into the ball of the back foot and big toe of the front foot. Benefits: Twists promote positive outlook and digestion.

One long step, all ten toes facing front short edge of the mat. Lift up back heel and keep the back foot in line with the front same side arm. Bring the blocks under the shoulders so that the joints are stacked. Keep the sacrum level with the floor.
Modification: Continue to work with the blocks and press into the ball of the back foot and big toe of the front foot. Benefits:  This pose is very grounding, awakening powerful legs, finding greater internal support and a enjoying a healthy long spine!

Pavritta Trikonasana With the back heel raised and the front arm supporting the torso, keep the sacrum parallel with the floor and raise the opposite arm in the air. Make the twist from the upper back and have fun.

Pavritta Trikonasana
With the back heel raised and the front arm supporting the torso, keep the sacrum parallel with the floor and raise the opposite arm in the air.
Make the twist from the upper back and have fun. Benefits: Twists promote positive outlook and digestion.

Great Balancing Posture! Reach for the back foot. Lengthen the top of the back leg, Psoas, and hip flexor. Continue to stay connected to the tailbone as you keep your eyes on one place and to the degree that you extend your leg back, allow your chest to widen and soften, making this also a standing back bend. Modification: Use a strap particularly useful for those with shorter arms. Benefits: This posture is a great tension reliever! Promoting balance and body awareness.

Great Balancing Posture!
Reach for the back foot. Lengthen the top of the back leg, Psoas, and hip flexor. Continue to stay connected to the tailbone as you keep your eyes on one place and to the degree that you extend your leg back, allow your chest to widen and soften, making this also a standing back bend.
Modification: Use a strap particularly useful for those with shorter arms.
Benefits: This posture is a great tension reliever! Promoting balance and body awareness.

Prasarita Padottonasana Step to the long side of the mat. Bring your arms extended from the shoulders. Place the feet squarely under the wrists about 2-3 feet apart. Keep feet parallel to one another and activate the legs deeply. Extend the torso forwarding supporting a long spine using the power of the legs. Modification: two blocks under the arms Benefits: Great for heart health supporting strong and long energized legs.

Prasarita Padottonasana
Step to the long side of the mat. Bring your arms extended from the shoulders. Place the feet squarely under the wrists about 2-3 feet apart. Keep feet parallel to one another and activate the legs deeply. Extend the torso forwarding supporting a long spine using the power
of the legs.
Modification: two blocks under the arms
Benefits: Great for heart health supporting strong and long energized legs.

Prasarita Padottonasana. Noticing the upper body soft and relaxed receiving the deep benefits of working the feet, ankles and legs properly. Beautiful.

Prasarita Padottonasana.
Noticing the upper body soft and relaxed receiving the deep benefits of working the feet, ankles and legs properly. Beautiful.




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