
Welcome to the ashtanga yoga page. Here you will connect with 30 pages of detailed ashtanga sequence, ashtanga related articles and other helpful key information located in the welcome training packet.

Download your Ashtanga welcome training packet: Welcome Training Packet Take your time as you learn the sequence and pat yourself on the back for all positive action steps taken.

Ashtanga is vinyasa method of yoga that links the asanas together with the breath.  Ashtanga’s roots lie in Mysore, India. It is said to have come from the book, The Yoga Korunta, texts compiled together 1000 years ago by the Rishi Vamana. Ashtanga means “8 limbed yoga” and originates from The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, written around 400 CE. The book written by the sage Patanjali consists or 195 Sutras, or passages, divided into 4 chapters.

The 8 Limbs:

  • Yama- Abstinence
  • Niyama- Observances
  • Asana- Posture
  • Pranayama- Breath Control
  • Pratyahara- Sense Withdrawal
  • Dharana- Concentration
  • Dhyana- Meditation
  • Samadhi- Superconscious State
  • Eight limbs of ashtanga

Eight Limbs of Ashtanga: 8limbsofashtanga

Listen to this 22 Minute Audio on Yamas and Niyamas.

Leonard Cohen once wrote, "the light comes through the cracks".

Write up 350 words about your most challenging aspect of 'being good'.

Write about how yoga has helped to transform an aspect of your attitude that can use improving. For example, I spoke about jealousy and taking energy on the audio.

Another example, something that I am actively looking at, is believing for awesome, close intimate relationships. When I feel secure, I look inside, when I feel down, I want to keep looking inside. Power is in me! I am both strong and soft and nothing is more attractive than a partner willing to do their part, making constant improvement and feeling good. Definition of a greater partner? Finding continual new edge of personal best!

Click to open/ download the attachment on Ashtanga!


Bandha allows energy to flow. This is technically something very subtle. Therefore physical action and muscle contraction are only a small part of bandha. Mula Bandha and Uddiyana Bandha are the two most important valves in Ashtanga Yoga. Follow this YouTube video!


What is Ashtanga Yoga?

A yogi leaves the world a little nicer than the way they found it. What is Ashtanga Yoga an article by David Swenson



This handout provides easy to follow movements with sanskrit for all postures in the Ashtanga Series Sun Salute A and Sun Salute B or respectively Surya Namaskara A and Surya Namaskara B.



While we do not expect anyone to become fluent in Sanskrit, we do feel it is very important and useful to know the correct name for 75 yoga postures.  When we pronounce sanskrit, it is said according to yoga, that this carries a certain vibration which can bring about additional clarity and peace.
The Sanskrit names of asanas are on page 8-10 in the Ashtanga Welcome Training Packet - see above.

4 thoughts on “Ashtanga

  1. I can read the sanskirt but my mouth is tongue tied. I am practicing.

    • Hi D1jones218. Please feel free to contact me, if you have any question regarding pronouncing sanskrit correctly.

  2. “The Way of Ashtanga” was a great read. It unified many important aspects of the practice for me and provided a clear and understandable guide to each of the eight limbs. The article would serve as a great starting point for the section! Thanks!

  3. Day 1 of practicing Sun Salutations with Sankrit! I guess it is a good thing to start with the one part I was most nervous about. Good thing yoga is a practice:) The diagrams for the Sun Salutations are very handy.

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