Yin Poses

Straight Arm Cobra Hips and pelvis stay on the floor. Arms can straighten, keeping collar bones soft and long! Soften the low back and major muscles of the legs and butt. Modification: legs come out wider for deeper stretch Benefits: Opens and massages the kidneys, strengthens low back and replenishes natural curves of the spine.

Straight Arm Cobra
Hips and pelvis stay on the floor. Arms can straighten, keeping collar bones soft and long! Soften the low back and major muscles of the legs and butt.
Modification: legs come out wider for deeper stretch
Benefits: Opens and massages the kidneys, strengthens low back and replenishes natural curves of the spine.


Upavishta Konasana Another Yin Pose Extend through the legs and flex the feet. Separate the toes. Work the soles of the feet strongly. Press palms behind the pelvis and feel forward rotation of the pelvis. Continue stretching the back of the legs into the earth. Modification: Sit up on a blanket or a bolster for greater support. Very wide knee child pose to help facilitate the hips to open further. Benefits: Calming, settling anxiety, grounding posture feeling security.

Upavishta Konasana - Another Yin Pose
Extend through the legs and flex the feet. Separate the toes. Work the soles of the feet strongly. Press palms behind the pelvis and feel forward rotation of the pelvis. Continue stretching the back of the legs into the earth.
Modification: Sit up on a blanket or a bolster for greater support. Very wide knee child pose to help facilitate the hips to open further.
Benefits: Calming, settling anxiety, grounding posture feeling secure.


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Dead Frog Posture.
Face the long edge of the yoga mat. From the Table Pose, walk the knees wide (to your edge), make sure the ankles stay wider than the knees. Keep the toes turn outward to protect the cartilage of the inner knees! Make sure to also align the hips with the knees and then once again tuck the tailbone under and energetically press back and down with the tailbone, inner thighs and groins. Great lower chakra opener!!


Partner Forward Fold Amanda is placing her knees on Margeau's lower rib cage and hands directly down on the quadriceps! This facilitates a active forward bend that feels soothing and restorative to the body and mind. When receiving this pose, keep the knees micro bent, and the feet fully flexed and active. Enjoy!

Partner Forward Fold
Amanda is placing her knees on Margeau's lower rib cage and hands directly down on the quadriceps! This facilitates a active forward bend that feels soothing and restorative to the body and mind. When receiving this pose, keep the knees micro bent, and the feet fully flexed and active. Enjoy!


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Forward Fold
Extend into straddle forward fold slowly. Bend the knees slightly, and flex the feet. Open the toes! Proceed in this posture slowly and honor each sign of resistance slowly! Start by reaching for the toes. Perhaps, you will need a strap to begin. The next step is dropping down onto the elbows. Then when the body is ready, move deeper no matter the expression, let it feel about a 6 or 7 on a scale of 1-10. Notice the spine slightly curved forward, even when the hips are completely open.


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Be Your Own Hero Pose!
Ivan uses the bolster, block, blanket to get comfortable and feel more supported. He is using the block 2/3rd's of the way up, so that the bolster is nice and firmly supported. As he lowers back, he opens and stretches the quadriceps, the psoas, calve muscles. Drop the tailbone down and tuck it under. Notice how Ivan is walking into this pose slowly. He brings one arm to the side and gently drops back. He may then come down to one elbow, then two elbows, then when he is ready, all the way onto the back!


8 thoughts on “Yin Poses

  1. Yin poses have proven very relaxing. I am feel open and calm.

  2. I really enjoy studying on this site, it holds superb content. “One should die proudly when it is no longer possible to live proudly.” by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.

  3. Yin poses will keep you aware of your mind and body interacting. These long relaxed holds are amazing stress relievers and mind conditioning. The Clayton Yoga manual is full of good instruction for the postures and listing benefits.

  4. Yin, restorative & meditation based yoga has helped me relax and clear my mind as I prepare for this teacher training (Oct 2-4 2015). I can’t wait to learn all the tips and tricks to teaching this style to everyone who is most in need of pure relaxation.

  5. Yin yoga is a great reward in my daily living, I an excited to learn and share this practice with others.

  6. I have found yin poses help complete my practice. It really helps bring the benefits full circle!

  7. sarah.slattery says:

    Thanks for this Michelle. These pictures have been very helpful in getting into some of the Yin poses. Yin really helps my body relax into positions that used to be difficult for me!

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