
In order to best serve your needs, we need your feedback! We would like you to share your thoughts about our Yoga Teacher Training Course here.

Please download this teacher training survey and share your precious feedback.

Thank you so much for taking time off your busy schedule to help us give you the best course possible!

Teacher Training Class Feedback Survey



4 thoughts on “Feedback

  1. Michelle,

    I have already had access to this site and downloaded the pre-course materials.


  2. I believe I was successful in registering for email communications from Judit at…I haven’t received any emails.

  3. Where can I find the prevent yoga injuries article? It is our homework for Friday. Please email it to Thank you.

  4. I’m amazed at the amount of material available for us to learn. Everything is interesting and I’m very excited to really “dig in” and learn all the details. I’m especially excited about the anatomy video. This is something I don’t know much about yet. ChrisW

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