11 thoughts on “Inspirational Videos

  1. Arthur’s Transformation was a very inspiring video. I will share it with my brother who is learning to use a prosthesis.

  2. I really enjoyed Arthur’s Transformation. That’s what I love about yoga. That anybody can do it and its not about being the best or the fastest its about working to become a better healthier you.

  3. Wow, Definitely had tears in my eyes while watching the video of Arthur. Diamond Dallas Paige (sp?) was a bit frightening at first but I love how passionately he embraced yoga after a lifetime of professional wrestling and how his program encourages ‘Regular Guys’ to try yoga. Seeing the progress that Arthur made in just a few short months is unbelievably inspiring. We are all guilty of taking our physical abilities for granted at times, and it isn’t until we are left without those abilities that we notice how incredible the healthy human body is. Watching Arthur move from wheelchair to leg braces and crutches, to walking and finally to running without pills or surgery shows how determination and hard work, challenging and pushing our physical limits little by little makes a world of difference. I LOVED seeing him do the headstand at the end. Will be keeping this video saved for those moments when I am feeling weak and unable to accomplish something. I cannot wait to be the one who helps others improve their lives! So incredibly inspired right now!

  4. I couldn’t agree more with the clip on I Can Feel Better Right Now! It is amazing how much your thoughts not only control your feelings but also the vibes you put out to others.

  5. Wow, first video was good, overcame health struggles, very motivating.. Second video spoke right to my heart. Stepping outside our comfort zone makes us vulnerable but I Am Enough. She was a wonderful speaker and I love the message, Love with your whole heart.

  6. Short but meaningful, Directing our thoughts takes lots of practice but can certainly change our lives.

  7. I liked the video. Life changes and we must change with it, dealing with the life we have and not spending time regretting what is in the past. Today is The Day That The Lord has Made.

  8. Arthur’s video is a great story – I am glad to see so many warriors embrace yoga.

  9. The mind and body is an amazing thing. That was a great motivational video. It is inspiring to live in the moment and realize the full potential our bodies have when we give ourselves the proper tools.

  10. “Arthur’s Transformation” was an example we can all follow. No matter where we go or what we do, there will always be people who are “better.” The theme of this video is “never give up,” and that applies to all of us. We can improve our minds, our bodies, our souls, and anything we want to improve as long as we do not stop trying. Arthur’s video is one we can watch when we feel hopeless or feel down about who we are. We never have to believe these negative thoughts. We can be like Arthur and continue to work on ourselves everyday.

  11. I have a very difficult time finding my favorite video from all of these. Each are a gift to be cherished. That being said, I have seen “Authur’s Transformation” several times now. Each time, I am extremely moved to watch him walk, then run. What an amazing story we tell ourselves and what a gift he shows us that no matter what we think, we are right.

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