12 Steps to Better Marketing

The first thing, we ask you to do is fill out the questionnaire about yourself! It is so important to get to know the individual needs of your client first, then move onto the action planning stage! Please fill out this short get-acquainted questionnaire so we can get to know you a bit before we all start with the webinar training!

Share your questions and concerns so we can give you the answers! We want to help you to establish your successful yoga teaching career!https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/P6D9X2X.

Let's also answer a few more questions before we begin. Have you filled out our yoga marketing survey yet? Here is the link to this short online survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HR39VCB

Listen to this Audio on 12 Steps of Marketing at Clayton Yoga Teacher Training!

Did you know? There is more to running a successful yoga business than just being a highly skilled and respected yoga teacher. Does this mean you must open your own studio? Of course not! What it means that you are responsible to attract your students and create offers those students will love.
You need to think and act as an entrepreneur. Take a look for example at this chart!

Screenshot 2016-05-13 17.26.10

Thank you for taking the time to help us customize the marketing training to your specific needs! We created a unique yoga marketing program as part of the 200-hour yoga teaching course to help you thrive as a yoga teacher. This live 4-part webinar training course will give you practical tips and best practices so you can market your new yoga teaching skills with ease and confidence!

Take your time with all this new information. It looks many years just to load up this site and put together these helpful tools, I promise you will not learn everything over night. The most important thing is to be very patient with yourself and continue to try!...

Get ready - just follow these 12 steps!

Each and every 200 Hour Yoga Alliance Clayton Yoga teacher training includes 6 1-hour very special and highly inspirational marketing seminars with Michelle Maue, along with samples for each marketing step, and key take away assignments to build your own personal and professional business portfolio.

As a thriving yoga studio and yoga company owner for 18 years, I am delighted to bring out the best in you and show you the best of our business and marketing materials.
From the first day of this yoga teacher training course, our focus is to build up your confidence with yoga postures and better marketing skills. We will give you hands-on support with step by step instructions taught by leading experts in the yoga and marketing field.
We are so happy to have you as our yoga teacher training student! Do you enjoy your training so far? We certainly hope so!

Here is a list of the remaining steps in our marketing and business plan that we wish you to follow.

Please read accordingly and thanks again for taking the challenge to try something new and learn cool, new business tricks to transform your yoga practice and career, one yoga practice at a time.

Step 1. Passionate Why Essay
(refer to the “Passionate why webpage” link and audio.)

Step 2. Hero Essay
(refer to the “Passionate why webpage” link and audio.)

Step 3. Discovery Form
Write out your hopes, dreams and visions.

Clayton yoga discovery form

Step 4. Create a Bio, Elevator Pitch and Tagline
A bio is about 300 words, an elevator pitch is 100 words and a tagline is one short sentence!

Step 5. Action Step Plan
Goal Setting and do-able steps! Holding yourself accountable.

Clayton yoga action plan

Step 6. Upleveling Presentation Materials
Learning how to write blogposts, newsletter, takeaway yoga handouts.
Here, you will see many samples and learn to write and up level your marketing materials. All written by Clayton Yoga. Please enjoy.

Step 7. Do Your Research and Learn to Target Your Audience
Let's give students a good reason for sweating, and struggling to make it 60 minutes through a yoga class.Familiarize yourself with today's marketplace, again, really getting to know your audience. If you are not sure, how your yoga class went, and or is going, then why not ask. Double bind research study is best! Here, you will learn to do that and we will write up two research summaries and collect our findings together. Yoga is not easy.

Step 8. Seek Feedback and Gather Testimonials
Finding ways to add value and making a contribution.

Step 9. Set 5 new Goals for Yourself!
Here you will learn how to set realistic, rewarding and relevant goals! And develop and action plan for accomplishing those goals. (see below)

Step 10. Write Up an Action Plan.

Clayton yoga action plan.

Step 11.Seek out and design greater support teams!

Actively make an effort to expand and call in more team members to help you achieve your mission. Do you need to learn about website creation? Find out who can teach you. Want to get your website higher on the search engines, higher a company to help you to do that. This step is most helpful especially if you wish to achieve greater things for yourself faster.

Step 12. Improving Delivery and Services!

Natural outcome of staying interested in what you do. Go back through steps! 1-12.
Are you satisfied. Can you make them go even better. If yes, than why wait, begin up leveling today!

Go through all of our Marketing Yoga Materials. All your input and instruction will be very helpful for future students. Our goal is to create an award winning program that is fun, accessible and that your confidence soars as you apply these tools and continue to practice. We want your feedback. Looking forward to connecting with you. And hearing much about your future successes as you apply yourself and keep on keeping on...


2 thoughts on “12 Steps to Better Marketing!

  1. I absolutely love the article above with the Dalai Lama 18 rules. What a wonderful way to try and live. I could choose so many of these for my favorites but I especially love #4, not getting what you want could be a wonderful stroke of luck. Disappointment is so hard but seeing the silver lining can sometimes be harder.

  2. 8 hugs a day! I couldn’t agree more. Hugs are precious.

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