
This handout provides a description to practicing Transcendental Meditation and the multitude of amazing benefits one experiences with a regular daily practice.

One of the most natural things to do, is simply to stay present and notice our thoughts.  A Harvard research study recently conducted showed two common traits from thinking.  One is that our thoughts are redundant or repeat themselves and two, that these thoughts have no real practical value.

However, when we practice noticing our thoughts and not being consumed by thinking, we cultivate something called awareness.   We become aware that we can choose.  When we practice meditation, we strengthen and expand our awareness and decrease anxiety, tension and fear.  Then we are able to like a gatekeeper, make higher quality choices, create and enjoy a better overall lifestyle.  Read this handout on keeping meditation simple and easy.

Write Your Breathing Meditation Take Away. Take 200 words which will bring your students to the present moment utilizing the five senses! Have Fun writing up this script and remember to breath!



4 thoughts on “Meditations

  1. The “Meditation” handout by Linda Wasmer Andrews gave me a few great ideas for my practice with children. We love using one particular mantra combined also with a specific mudra, but this handout has inspired me to try walking meditation and new mudras. Although easiest to keep kids seated during meditation, I am excited to see how other positions or movement will impact their practice. Kids are so open to trying new things and soak up experiences and information like sponges. Get ’em started early with meditation and the ability to find their inner calm and they will take it with them for life!

  2. Amazing all of the benefits meditation has. This is one aspect of the training that I am looking forward to and know I personally need.

  3. I look forward to mastering and sharing the benefits of meditation, this is an area of health and wellness that can improve the life of many in today’s stressful environment.

  4. I think the benefits of meditation are vast and it is very intriguing how everyone can benefit in their own personal way with such a simple tool. I also think its a little astounding how long it takes to master meditation. It is amazing really.

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