Pre-Course Materials

Clayton Yoga Teacher Training Preparation Checklist

Herbert Benson discovered and wrote about the Relaxation Response, in 1970, claiming that a long, calm, breath, equates with more productive, clear and creative thoughts. By focusing on the breath, we are able to place the busy mind into neutral and increase our resiliency to stress. Practicing Vinyasa Yoga helps us to practice this deep breath, stay calm, while experiencing the edge. Practice often and you will see great progress.

We want you to feel comfortable, ask many questions and be yourself. We understand well, that every teacher is coming from a unique background and needing something different. This checklist will help empower you to get the fundamental of yoga without feeling overwhelmed. Read more here about getting prepared for the big day!


Clayton Yoga Teacher Training Graduation Checklist

The following are the total comprehensive list of all homework requirements (due by the 2nd to last workshop training weekend and found in the yoga training contract).  Please note, that in order to receive your yoga graduation certificate, we will need to have all of the following criteria met no later than the 2nd to last workshop of the yoga training.

Understand that the marketing assignments and discovery and session form and marketing plan on voluntarily and based on your own individual need and pace.  We can accomplish many goals when we work together. Just try to do your personal best each day.  Have fun!

One. Favorite Blogposts.  Comment on 12 blogposts, 3 from each website.,,, and tell us in a few sentences what you think about your favorite.

Two. Purchase and review the requested materials by instructor.

Three. Develop the Art of Timing and Mindfulness.  Learn about the Yin Yoga Postures, write a typed Yin Sequence and deliver a 30 minute Yin Yoga Sequence with 5 minute restorative posture.

Four. Write a 500 word Passionate Why Exercise and Write a Hero Exercise.

Five. Breathing.  Understand the first 10 minutes of yoga class is essential.  Know the Andrew Weil 4-7-8 breath count.  Practice this breath 6 times in the morning and 6 times in the afternoon.  Inhale for a 4 steady count, pause for 7, exhale for a steady 8 count breath.

Write a breathing script and lead group in a 20 minute restorative yoga sequence.  Include directions on breathing and have fun!

Six. Sanskrit Proficiency.  Demonstrate the Sun Salute A and Sun Salute B by day one of the training.  By graduation demonstrate proficiency wit the Standing Postures Sequence along with the proper Sanskrit Names.

Seven. Listen to the Yoga Nidra Practice CD by Dr. Richard Miller to better understand deeper states of relaxation and energy flow.  Practice the Yoga Nidra and demonstrate with the group a ten minute Yoga Nidra relaxation exercise.

Eight. Two articles please to cover case studies, or actually benefits off the mat, in everyday real world challenging situations for a group or individual.  In other words, how yoga is changing people who need it the most.  See here for a clear example:

Another article to describe yoga as a “Welcoming Acceptance Process” to allow negativity, sadness, grief, and TO BE, not to change, not to fix, not to improve! Here are two more examples since this one can be a a little more of a challenge to find (now why is that?). and

Lastly, article required on compassion. Let's be on the frontier, let's be the one to see things more clear. Higher states of awareness has nothing to do with being better than anyone else.  It has to do with compassion.  Compassion for all the insanity, the suffering, the delusion, the distortion, and see the other side.  We are not the product of our conditioning. This moment is it.  Ain't she a beauty!!!  How to stay in the game, love what were doing for the sake of doing and share these gifts of virtuosity.  Yay!  Then we can imagine even living in a world filled with peace. And blast off for transformation.

Nine. Bring in and read a favorite yoga story or fable.  Minimum 200 words.

Ten. Be unrealistic.  Dream Big.  Create and design your own vision board.

Eleven. Know well the 50 basic and accessible postures, specific to all levels, individual needs, as well as challenging.  Use this as a basis to learn the modification for every posture.  This will help your greatly provide a platform in teaching all level classes.  Also, great material to create and building your own yoga sequences.

Twelve. Write up a 30 minute Vinyasa Yoga Sequence from the 50 Accessible Postures Handout.  Include Sun A, Sun B, and Standing Poses.  Begin with great breathing, warm up postures, Yin Yoga, Hip Openers, Backbends and one Inversion of your choice!  Include a modification for each posture and two benefits per pose!

Thirteen. Learn about and understand how to play the edge!  We learn from resistance in our yoga practice and in our life.  By playing the edge, we apply kindness and gentleness to the first place of tension and resistance in every pose.  Most people barrel through the sensations hoping to go deeper.  This may send tension farther into the spindles of the cellular body making us even tighter and more attached.  The degree to which we cling is the degree to which we suffer.  The degree to which we let go is the degree which we experience yoga, ‘Moksha' or ‘inner freedom’.

Fourteen.  One Hour Yoga Presentations putting this all together and blasting off for an hour of fun, transformation and magic!  Details and direction soon to follow. For now, do your very best each day of the course and enjoy your practice. Namaste!


These action steps are great suggestions for improving your learning experience while others will be required for graduation. When completing these assignments, remember to follow the emails sent to you every two weeks and have fun with all small assignments. If you have any questions, contact Michelle Maue, 314-630-1677, during office hours, Tuesday morning from 9-11am.


Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is an ancient art form of yoga designed to relax the entire body and mind.  Yoga Nidra is a deep psychic sleep that produces complete physical, emotional, and mental relaxation.

There are typically several components to yoga nidra:
*setting a resolve, intention or affirmation
*rotating awareness systematically through the body, which relaxes and clears nerve pathways to the brain
Here is your Yoga Nidra PDF:  utf-8''YogaNidra



26 thoughts on “Pre-Course Materials

  1. BarbyLoafman76 says:

    I am so EXCITED!!!!

  2. Can’t wait to start!

    • Love your enthusiasm! I am sure you will love the course. Can’t wait to connect with you on the webinars.

  3. So excited for the intensive! June 26th can’t come soon enough!

  4. I am so glad there was space for me. I look forward to meeting everyone! 😉

  5. gloria.lopez4 says:

    Enjoyed meeting you, Michelle.
    I am excited to begin this new journey in my life…

  6. Really looking forward to this next step, personally and professionally, in this wonderful journey of LIFE!

  7. Creating your greatest ideal of yourself article made me excited to full immerse myself into my Yoga training and become the best version of myself I can possibly be!

  8. Can’t wait to get to Clayton!

  9. Dispenza’s article brings to mind one of my favorite Russell Brand quotes, “I think that one’s reality is a result of your *intention* and your *attention*.”

  10. I am ready to receive this vast amount of knowledge to grow my yoga practice and share with others.

    • All the resources on this site will help you deepen your practice. If you would like to hear about certain topics, please let us know! (Just add a comment on one of the pages)

  11. So excited about hearing everyone’s experiences and reasons for being here!

  12. My Soul is filled with joy! Meeting with Michelle this morning was like putting the cherry on top of the most wonderful, sweetest delight…I know I am in the right place, and look so forward to becoming a part of this amazing community.


  13. i’ve been to this site several times. I don’t see a Skype handout. Maybe i’m not looking in the right area.
    Anyway, only 2 days to go. I’m ready to start.

  14. The Paul Grilley’s Yin Yoga DVD and David Swenson’s Ashtanga Yoga book are two incredibly valuable sources that I am so pleased to have purchased. I look forward to sharing with future friends and clients!

  15. Thank you, thank you for the checklist very helpful in not feeling overwhelmed with this journey!

  16. All materials are so full of good information. I have my notebook together, manual printed and ready to go. I have all supplies I need and listen to the audio at least twice or day, or every time I am in the car. I am excited to begin this journey.

  17. sarah.slattery says:

    I am very excited to start this journey here shortly starting the last weekend of January 2016! I have read through the checklists, and I cant wait to read through everything else.

    • We are excited to have you Sarah! There is so much goodness here, enjoy your discovery of the site. Also, don’t forget you have still 6 months access after graduating to still use this private site.

  18. Feeling so much gratitude to be a part of this experience… Yoga touched my life 15 years ago, but it has permeated every aspect of my being in the past couple of years. I am looking forward to seeing where this journey will continue to lead me….xo

  19. I am so excited to begin our yoga teacher training course! Thank you so much for making these materials available. I am so thankful to be a part of Clayton yoga!

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