Triangle and Adjustments

I love this picture!  There is certainly more flexibility and range of motion in her hips than most and she is so happy! In this photo, we see triangle practiced against a wall.  Keep your front knee slightly bent to begin, then shift your body weight forward and hinge from the hip.  Try to pin as many places on the entire back body against the wall as is possible. The use a block under the front hand or even the back of a chair can be most helpful when also establishing that nice long parallel and even side body and rib cage!  You GLOW girl.

I love this picture! There is certainly more flexibility and range of motion in her hips than most and she is so happy! In this photo, we see triangle practiced against a wall. Keep your front knee slightly bent to begin, then shift your body weight forward and hinge from the hip. Try to pin as many places on the entire back body against the wall as is possible. The use a block under the front hand or even the back of a chair can be most helpful when also establishing that nice long parallel and even side body and rib cage! You GLOW girl.

From the correct alignment of the feet, front heel with inner back arch, and torso bending from the front hip and front hand on the top front thigh, not lower foot, a vast rage of possibility can occur.  The result here is a a cascade of opening in the heart. There is so much expansion possible because her Triangle is well supported and you can see from her face, she is having FUN! See out places in the body that are collapsed and find greater support from within. Work energy into the front big toe and back little toe.

From the correct alignment of the feet, front heel with inner back arch, and torso bending from the front hip and front hand on the top front thigh, not lower foot, a vast rage of possibility can occur. The result here is a a cascade of opening in the heart. There is so much expansion possible because her Triangle is well supported and you can see from her face, she is having FUN! See out places in the body that are collapsed and find greater support from within. Work energy into the front big toe and back little toe.

The sitting bones move into a figure 8, with the their being constant movement in the pelvic floor.  Keep practicing!  Triangle is a deceptively difficult pose.

The sitting bones move into a figure 8, with the their being constant movement in the pelvic floor. Keep practicing! Triangle is a deceptively difficult pose.

Amy really worked with her principles of alignment here.  Because of the correct positioning in the front leg, she is able to truly access the opening in the front hip and feel the back body neutral and pressed against the wall.  Remember, bend the front leg first, step on the gas (front big toe), then pivot from the hip and elongate the front leg.  The use of the block is also supportive and great!

Amy really worked with her principles of alignment here. Because of the correct positioning in the front leg, she is able to truly access the opening in the front hip and feel the back body neutral and pressed against the wall. Remember, bend the front leg first, step on the gas (front big toe), then pivot from the hip and elongate the front leg. The use of the block is also supportive and great!

The support in Triangle is to come from the back and encourage a wider opening in the chest to face the side wall in front of the body. Once this is achieved, the top ribcage can soften dramatically and the length improves for the entire torso and spine!  Always in yoga, the aim of each and every individual posture, is to support and lengthen the spine, or central energy channel as much as is possible.

The support in Triangle is to come from the back and encourage a wider opening in the chest to face the side wall in front of the body. Once this is achieved, the top ribcage can soften dramatically and the length improves for the entire torso and spine! Always in yoga, the aim of each and every individual posture, is to support and lengthen the spine, or central energy channel as much as is possible.

Many teachers will discuss the importance of keeping the front and back body on one parallel plan which is achieved when all correct alignment is present.  We want to practice as if our body is caught between two large window panels, one in front and one in back!

Many teachers will discuss the importance of keeping the front and back body on one parallel plan which is achieved when all correct alignment is present. We want to practice as if our body is caught between two large window panels, one in front and one in back!

Triangle into Ardha Chandrasana posture. This Half Moon Pose is filled with so much freedom and JOY! With the front knee slightly bent, transitioning from the Triangle and keeping the back leg raised, one step forward and easy transition into the pose.   One trick here is to take your 'drishti' or 'inner gaze' to the back  foot, keep the foot and leg very active, tuck the tailbone under and more and more, stack the hips and beautiful extension and presence!

Triangle into Ardha Chandrasana posture. This Half Moon Pose is filled with so much freedom and JOY! With the front knee slightly bent, transitioning from the Triangle and keeping the back leg raised, one step forward and easy transition into the pose. One trick here is to take your 'drishti' or 'inner gaze' to the back foot, keep the foot and leg very active, tuck the tailbone under and more and more, stack the hips and beautiful extension and presence!

Triangle Pose Feet very active. Begin with the front heel aligned to the back arch. Pressing into the front big toe and back little toe. Bend the front knee and open from the hip. Lengthen the top side of the torso and keep the chest facing the side wall. Modification: Use of a block under the front hand. Make sure the chest does not drop forward. Keep the torso elevated high above the legs on one plane. Benefits: Yoga for stress relief in the eyes, head, neck, shoulders, upper back.eyes, head, neck, shoulders, upper back.

Triangle Pose
Feet very active. Begin with the front heel aligned to the back arch. Pressing into the front big toe and back little toe. Bend the front knee and open from the hip. Lengthen the top side of the torso and keep the chest facing the side wall.
Modification: Use of a block under the front hand. Make sure the chest does not drop forward. Keep the torso elevated high above the legs on one plane.
Benefits: Yoga for stress relief in the eyes, head, neck, shoulders and upper back.

One thought on “Triangle and Adjustments

  1. Learning the correct way of folding in Triangle was a building block Michelle gave us in teacher training. It helps set the bar for correctly doing “easy” asanas and has given me the ability to grow.

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