
According to the National Institute of Health report in 2003, in the Mayo Clinic Health Letter, the regular practice of deep, slow breathing through the nose helps produce a multitude of health benefits including reduced anxiety and high blood pressure.

The following articles support how the power of our own deep, regular, slow and long breaths increase our own ability to maintain a calm, equanimous and peaceful mind.   It would make sense then that having a more peaceful mind, would help us create longer response times and allow us to neutralize outside stressors, maintain a higher internal locus of control and thus make better decisions affecting greater opportunities down the road.  Enjoy!

10 Restorative Postures You can Do At Home

"Beginning students often ask for instructions on the “right” way to breathe. Alas, there’s no single answer to that question, since the optimal breathing pattern at any given moment depends on the type of practice. Restorative yoga focuses solely on relaxation, though, and emphasizes breathing that creates calm and serene states of being. When you settle into restorative poses, try the following techniques for cultivating breathing patterns that are hallmarks of relaxation and well-being".  Yoga Journal, BY CLAUDIA CUMMINS  |  AUG 28, 2007


Breathing Exercises

Please download the exercises - will be adding more....

Breathing Exercise

Breathing demo

Deanna Breathing Exercise


Dr. Weil Breathing Handouts

More and more around the world, people are getting stressed out. According to Dr. Andrew Weil, leading US holistic physician and founder for Integrative Medicine in Arizona, even in remote parts of Africa, most doctor visits are due to ulcers, headache and indigestion, all stress related. Even doctors today would agree, illness and stress are directly linked and untreated, stress can seriously affect our health, performance, and overall well-being.

Andrew Weil Breathing 101: Andrew Weil Breathing 101

Breathing and Beyond handout: breathingandbeyondrevised-1


Breathing Sequence:

The following is a breathing 10 minute sequence which can offer a great instructional tool and way for students to come to their breath and soaking up the present moment.  This exercise is also to be written and typed and utilized for yoga teaching!


12 Self Care and Nutrition Wise Tips Strategies to help structure a more energetic, healthy and happy youNUTRITION & WHOLENESS


6 thoughts on “Breathing

  1. I enjoyed reading Nutrition and Wholeness because it showed me important steps to keeping my body healthy. Without a proper diet and taking care of your body inside and out all the exercise in the world wont make you healthy

  2. Breathing is my biggest fault. Practicing breathing will help me focus and relieve stress. The exercise and demo give me plan to follow.

  3. I had never heard of the Andrew Weil breathing but I have been practicing while driving and amazed how it even makes traffic better! So calming and great breathing exercise.

  4. Breathing is an area that I need to gain more awareness, I feel the benefits immediately.

  5. I love that breathing is something so simple we can work on and still receive great benefit from! Breath is still something i have to consciously think about slowing down and I’d like to get to a point were its more of reflex to breath calmly and to stay in tune to my body in the present.

  6. sarah.slattery says:

    I really enjoyed the nutrition and whiteness article. There were a lot of good tips in that article and I found the dry brushing pretty amazing because I have never heard of that before. I also did not realize that the stuff you put on your skin goes directly into the bloodstream. I will definitely be more aware about what I put on my skin from now on, and I am going to try the dry brushing as well!
    The breathing exercises and restorative poses were also beneficial and I always feel more at ease after meditating.

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