Course Marketing Materials

Feel free to engage with theses course presentation marketing materials before your yoga teacher training begins! There are so many beautiful ways to set about doing your research, targeting your audience, and seeing what is trending. There are so many ways to grow your business. Look at this handout for beginners!

Sample Clayton Yoga Teacher Training Course Outline and Marketing Materials



Fun, Creative, new designs to market and brand your services!

What about designing a new Yoga Brochure, creating a Yoga Nidra Audio CD as a free gift or writing thank you cards, designing a "promotional bonus package" for signing up for a corporate class or workshop!

When you sign up for this wonderful training course, you will also receive a bonus package of:

● Two Yoga Music CD’s for slow and faster all level yoga classes

● 6 Take home CD lectures from world reknown experts in the field of holistic medicine, breathing and the virtues of living a more healthy positive lifestyle.

●You will also receive 4 live webinar trainings around business building and marketing.

Send Thank You cards

Create a Free Gift Offer

Create a Promotional Bonus for signing up for Corporate Class or Teacher Training

Sample Clayton Yoga promotional handout.
We put together this playbook for you! Read it, do the exercises, engage with the content we share.
Are ready to begin your yoga teacher training? We would be happy to assist you in picking the best training option for you!


For example, in corporate yoga, there is little interest in "opening the hearts" of their employees and primary interest in reducing overall costs of insurance premiums. Companies are interested in bottom line results and money saving strategies! Show them how their company is saving money and they will sit up and take notice.

Objective and Purpose: The big question everyone always has is how to generate new prospects as well as how to exceed expectations and deliver great results.

Stick with your passion, dream big, set bigger goals. When folks see it happening, then there is the commitment, then there is the job satisfaction, positive energy, life balance and yes, even money.

Never despise the days of small beginnings. Ask in the beginning for family and friends to help you practice teaching. Develop a know-like-trust factor with new clients. Present your invitation to come back to yoga 3, 5, 7 times! Social marketing research reveals that new clients want to make sure and initially need to be told several times before they follow through and buy. When generating new leads, make sure to log in details about calling back information. And be sure to follow up and call back. God is in the details so keep your materials well organized and always stay positive!!!!

Check out this sample Press Release!
From the St. Louis Business Journal:
Bella Yoga’s Maue carves out a corporate niche
Bella Yoga

Here is a sample for added benefits to starting a corporate yoga program!

Corporate yoga benefits: With corporate jobs’ increased reliance upon technology, employees suffer a huge amount of physiological stress from sitting all day at the computer. Let Clayton Yoga create a custom yoga program designed to better fit your companies needs. Also, when attracting yoga clients, it is very important to share all the benefits yoga will deliver for the organization. For example, Clayton Yoga will bring to Corporate Yoga an excellent form of cross-training for all students, improving energy and group morale.

This article further explains all of the particular benefits that come when one practices on a regular basis: Corporate Yoga Benefits

Sample Marketing Material to Support Clayton Yoga Teachers in Training!

Stunning Yoga Images - without worrying about violating copyrights!

This is requested reading for all if you want to make sure you are not violating anybody's copyright. Yoga Images For You Report



Corporate yoga benefits: Yoga is an excellent form of cross-training for all students, improving energy and group morale. With corporate jobs’ increased reliance upon technology, employees suffer a huge amount of physiological stress from sitting all day at the computer.
This article explains all of the particular benefits that come when one practices on a regular basis: Corporate Yoga Benefits

Benefits Of Yoga: This corporate yoga handout includes a summary of research findings and tremendous benefits for those who practice yoga in the workplace.

Would You Like to Share Your Love for Yoga and Teach with Confidence and Ease around the World? This sample Yoga Teacher Training Flyer is recreated and distributed throughout St. Louis coffee shops, other yoga studios, gyms, corporations generating greater interest and promoting the yoga studio: TeacherTrainingFlyer

Marketing Yoga - Topic: Toxic emotions
Some leaders are realizing the need to deal with toxic emotions, but don’t know how. Fortunately, there are best practices based on new research, tools and methodologies that allow people to develop emotional management skills quickly.  HEART MATH INSTITUTE


To do no harm, be truthful, avoid theft, be sexually responsible, and avoid greed are the Yamas. This is a simplistic explanation, but following these moral codes can bring much happiness to anyone who decides to live by practicing Yama.  Read more about non-harm here...

Yoga Market

Yoga Market Facts 2012 PDF: CYTT Marketing Materials Yoga Market Fact Sheet




4 thoughts on “Course Presentation Materials

  1. Michele,
    I completed the marketing survey and want to be sure that you get it. Please confirm.

  2. Are we supposed to be able to fill out the workbooks online, or are we supposed to print them out and send them some other way? I cannot get the workbook to let me fill it out the way the survey did…

    • Please print them out so you can fill it for yourself. Both doc and PDF forms are available for most of the materials.

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